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Subscription Handling Feature of the WP EasyPay plugin is developed to automate or smoothen the re-subscription or renew the subscription process by just simply clicking on the Renew button available on the backend of the plugin and if user donot wants to continue the subscription then by clicking on the Cancel button immediately ends the subscription of the customer. This feature of the plugin only entertains the Donation Recurring payments and Subscription Payment made by the customer from the frontend of the website. Each of this action will be recorded on the square account as well with its own Tracking ID in order to manage the record of each entry. User will be able to track these entries on the main transaction section of the square dashboard.

User can be able to experience this option by the following steps:

WP EasyPay ===> Subscription ===> Subscription ID ===> Subscription Actions


Customer at the start click on the WP EasyPay plugin then select the subscription option by clicking on the subscription, plugin further opens the records of all entries made under the category of donation recurring and subscription payments with their details like Subscription ID, Paid by (Customer Name), Remaining cycle ( In case customer add some expiry date to end the recurring payment so plugin shows the number of remaining cycles to pay the subscription amount), Total cycle (If user add the expiry date or mentioned the number of total cycle while creating the form then plugin shows the total number of cycle else in case of not mentioning any date then plugin shows the Never Expire status which means that user will continue this subscription process to pay the amount), Next Payment (On the basis of defined payment interval plugin shows the upcoming date of the payment), Subscription Status (either Active which means user wants to continue this payment or Paused this means user wants to dis-continue this payment), Type (Subscription Payment or Donation Recurring), Action (Start this actions shows that the process is on hold at the moment and when user clicks on start button the process will start or Pause this action shows that the process is active at the moment and if user wants to hold the process then user can clicks on the the pause button) and date ( it shows the date and time of the transaction).




Subscription ID:

  • Subscription ID, by clicking on its user will be directed to the Edit item which is the new screen on this user will be able to view the following:



Edit Item:

  • Subscription details share the subscription ID with the customer details and email ID along with the card details.
  • Related transactions show the transaction ID (Upon clicking on it, the user will be directed to the report section of this transaction), date of transaction with the status of transaction (Complete) with the total amount.
  • Subscription action which includes current status which is active or pause with the start date and upcoming payment date this section also has clickable buttons Cancel Button (to end the subscription) Pause Button (to hold the subscription).
    • If the user clicks on the pause button, then the plugin updates the subscription status from active to pause and the start button replaces the pause button on the subscription action section.
    • If the user clicks on the cancel button, then the plugin ends the subscription package and the renew button replaces both the cancel and pause or start buttons.

    • Renew button, upon clicking by the user will initiate the pause or cancel subscription payment again and new transaction has been updated and recorded into both square and WooCommerce.


This function will only perform if the user uses the same card for the renewal transaction as the user used at the time of subscription or donation recurring initially. 


    • In the related transaction section, user can view the status of the transaction either completed or not with the total amount of transaction done with the transaction ID and date with time (System).

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