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  • Select the desired Payment Options i.e. Cash App & ACH Debit.

Note: Cash App payments are supported only in the United States. Only buyers in the United States can choose Cash App as a payment option.

  • Select Location from the Location Drop-Down menu.
  • Click on the Save Settings button.


  • Display form in the Front-End

  • WP Easy Pay Gutenberg Block
  • Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard → Pages→ Add New.
  • In the page editor, click on the + button to add a new block.
  • In the add new block window, search for the WPEasyPay Form.
  • Click on the WPEasyPay Form to add the WP Easy Pay block.

Note: Multiple forms on a single page is not supported each form should be on different pages

  • The WP Easy Pay Form block is added.

  • Select the Payment Form from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on the Publish button to publish the page.

WP Easy Pay Form Using Shortcode

  • The Admin can place the form on the page using the shortcode.
  • Navigate to the WP EASY PAY→ All Forms.
  • Then copy the form Shortcode from the forms section.

  • Or click on the Edit button.
  • Copy the Shortcode from the Edit Form page.
  • The shortcode is located on the right side of the page.

  • Now add a new page, navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard → Pages→ Add New.
  • Or edit the page.
  • Add the Shortcode Block in the page editor.
  • Paste the payment form shortcode in the shortcode block.

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