How is Digital Transformation Leveraging the Payment Industry?

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of transitioning from traditional business practices to those that are more reliant on digital technologies. It’s a way to use technology to improve your business processes and make your company run better and make more money.

Digital Transformation

One area where digital transformation has had a significant impact is in the payment industry. According to the report, the global digital banking platform market size is expected to grow from USD 10.87 billion by the end of 2027, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.6% from 2020 to 2027.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how digital transformation is leveraging the payment industry and how it’s benefiting both consumers and businesses alike.

What Is Digital Transformation?

You might be wondering what digital transformation is. Put simply, it’s the process of evolving your business to meet the demands of the digital age.

There’s no question that we’re living in a digital world. We rely on technology for almost all our tasks in modern times, from banking and shopping to communicating and learning. So, if your business isn’t embracing digital transformation, you’re already behind the curve.

Digital transformation isn’t just about operating a website or an app. It’s about using technology to create better customer experiences, make your processes more efficient, and increase your bottom line. And that’s where the payment industry comes into play.

What Are the Benefits of Digital Transformation?

The payment industry is one of the most crucial components of digital transformation. After all, this allows customers to pay for the products and services they want.

But what are the benefits of digital transformation? There are many, but some of the most important ones are more efficiency, lower costs, and a boost in customer satisfaction.

Let’s take a better look at each of these benefits. With increased efficiency, businesses can get products and services to customers faster and more efficiently. This is thanks to eliminating paper-based processes and introducing new technologies that make transactions faster and more accurate.

Reduced costs are another key benefit of digital transformation. Businesses can save a lot of money by automating processes and eliminating the need for human involvement. And improved customer satisfaction goes without saying. When customers have a good experience with a business, they’re more likely to return and recommend it to their friends.

How Is Digital Transformation Affecting the Payment Industry?

You might be wondering how digital transformation is affecting the payment industry.

Well, to start with, there’s a big move towards digital payments. More and more people prefer to pay for things online or with their phones, and businesses are responding by offering more and more ways to pay.

The problem is that this can be a bit confusing for customers. There are so many options, and it’s not always clear which is the best way to go. This is where the payment industry comes in.

Payment companies are working hard to make it easier for customers to pay for things online. They’re developing new technologies that make it faster and easier to pay, and they’re also trying to create a standard for online payments so that customers know what to expect.

So, as you can see, the payment industry is playing a significant role in the world of digital transformation.

What Trends Are Emerging in the Payment Industry as a Result of Digital Transformation?

Well, a few key trends are emerging as a result of all of this change.

For one, we’re seeing a move towards more digital payments. More and more people are using their smartphones to make payments, which is something that will only continue to grow. In fact, a recent study found that over 60% of people would prefer to use their smartphone to make a payment then use any other method.

Another trend we’re seeing is the rise of mobile wallets. This is an excellent way for customers to store all their payment information in one place, and it’s something that’s been growing in popularity over the past few years. In fact, a study by Juniper Research found that the value of mobile wallet transactions will reach $2.5 trillion by 2021.

These are just a few examples of how digital transformation impacts the payment industry. The bottom line is that things are changing rapidly, and businesses need to keep up with these trends if they want to stay competitive.

How Can Businesses Leverage Digital Transformation in the Payment Industry?

In the payment industry, there are a lot of ways that businesses can leverage digital transformation. Here are just a few:

  • Use digital channels to process payments. This can include online payments, mobile payments, and even contactless payments.
  • Use digital technologies to help you manage your finances. This could include cloud-based accounting software or invoicing tools.
  • Use digital tools to improve customer service. This could include chatbots or customer support channels that are available 24/7.
  • Use digital marketing tools to promote your products and services. This could include email marketing, social media marketing, or targeted ads.
  • Use data analytics to track and analyze your sales and marketing efforts. This could help you identify trends and optimize your campaigns for better results.

What Challenges Does Digital Transformation Present for the Payment Industry?

The answer is that it presents a lot of challenges. For one thing, the way people pay for things is changing. They’re using their phones and other devices to make payments, which is putting a lot of pressure on the payment industry to keep up with the latest technologies.

Another challenge is that as more and more businesses go digital, they’re becoming less reliant on traditional payment methods like credit cards. This is causing a lot of disorder in the payment industry as companies scramble to find new ways to make money.

It’s a challenging time for the payment industry, but I do not doubt it will find a way to adapt and thrive in the digital age.

The Verdict

Technology has progressed to the point where almost anything can be done online. This means you can purchase items online and pay for them without ever having to leave your home.

The payment industry has definitely taken advantage of this technological advance. It has made it possible for customers to pay for items without ever having to worry about leaving their comfort zone. In addition, the payment industry has also made it possible for customers to pay for items using various methods, including debit cards, credit cards, and even PayPal.

So, if you’re searching for an easy and quick way to pay for your online purchases, the payment industry has you covered. All you need is an active debit or credit card, and you’re good to go.

How Are Blockchain Transactions Impacting WordPress Payments?

Blockchain Transactions

Blockchain has become one of the most widely discussed technologies in the past few decades. Blockchain’s innovative functions and operations have immensely impacted the entire digital landscape. It is especially true for industries where data transparency and security are equally important.

Blockchain Transactions

WordPress is one of the most frequently used content management systems, empowering almost 40% of the world wide web (WWW). The emergence of the blockchain has heavily impacted the system, and there are various tools for integration between the two.

Websites developed with blockchain technology enjoy undeniable benefits, including faster transactions, reliability, lower business costs, and transparency. It is something that gets much attention later. That’s why WordPress development agencies look more in-depth at how Blockchain transforms the WordPress site to the next level.

“Blockchain” is linked with all business niches. It has become a platform for purchasing Ethereum or relevant products in the cryptocurrency market segment. Hence, this article discusses blockchain transactions on the WordPress platform.

What is Blockchain & How Does it Work?

Generally, blockchain is a tamper-proof-based encryption technique. Blockchain technology revolves around a decentralized suite of distributed ledger-based technologies capable of recording and tracking valuable data. It is nearly impossible to alter a blockchain. It is expected to rule the digital landscape in the future as several businesses can leverage it for a safer, more secure, and more transparent approach. It simply stores data in blocks, and this data cannot be triggered or changed.

The time-stamp of blockchain exchange data takes place on the platform. Once information is entered on the blockchain, everyone can view it, but it cannot be altered. Every block that makes up that chain will be affected. Perhaps, many see this technology as a transparent option to conduct activities.

For example, blockchain plugins are being developed to make it easier for users to conduct safe and secure cryptocurrency transactions. The people who made WP EasyPay, an integrated payment solution for WordPress, are also working on making cryptocurrency and blockchain payments work on the WordPress platform. This will make it easier for people to buy and sell things on WordPress.

Blockchain technology ensures that information is spread across the network instead of being stored at a centralized location. Furthermore, it stores in blocks, ensuring easier accessibility and traceability metrics. One block is attached to the other to make a chain, and that’s why it is called a distributed ledger.

In the same way, information is stored in books. It can be easily referenced how data is stored in this distributed ledger. However, the only difference is that anyone can alter a book, but no one can alter this distributed ledger.

Key Features of Blockchain

If you want to appreciate the functioning of Blockchain technology, which highlights various features, is a vital aspect to proceeding ahead. It might be difficult to exhaust all the mesmerizing features of blockchain technology. The following are some of them:

  • Visualized hash trees
  • Customization of certificate header
  • Both public and private certificates
  • Customizes the certificate header
  • Users, posts, pages, and custom post stamps

How Does Blockchain Benefit WordPress?

As technology advancements have gone beyond the cryptocurrency market segment to take over the world, blockchain themes are now available for the WordPress platform. Blockchain will impact WordPress in several ways.

For instance, if you’re a cryptocurrency user and tempted to accept Bitcoin or Ethereum as a payment gateway. Blockchain would be your sole contender in the marketplace. It provides a transparent, safer, faster, and much more accessible way of life.

1)    Cost Effectiveness

The incorporation of Blockchain principles and tactics into WordPress will eliminate the requirement for middleware. It not only makes things cheaper but also fosters trust in the records kept in the backup. It also helps one seek to accept Bitcoin or Ethereum as payment via the WordPress website to reduce costs. When compared to the current payment gateway solutions, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have lower transaction costs.

2)    Quick & Fast

As there isn’t any intermediary medium involved, cryptocurrency can be sent instantly from sender to receiver. You can securely and swiftly perform that if you want to buy Ethereum using your WordPress website. With blockchain technology, you don’t need to wait for your banks or gateways to process multiple payments on your transactions.

3)    Global Presence & Acceptability

Most countries around the world accept cryptocurrency; unlike other eCommerce payment methods, there are no restrictions on receiving Bitcoin or other crypto payments. Also, you can buy Ethereum, Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency via your WordPress website.

4)    Enormous Amount of Money

Significantly, Blockchain provides multiple benefits to the cryptocurrency market segment because it saves people from significantly losing multiple profits when cryptocurrency’s value fluctuates. WordPress powers more than 30% of the websites that exist on the Internet.

Most people visit their sites to create their websites. By keeping this information, you can benefit from this and make enormous profits from blockchain technology. You can also work as a merchant for people seeking to buy Ethereum blockchain payments.

5)    Improved Security Metrics

Today, WordPress is considered a leading Content Management System (CMS) website, empowering over 80% of the websites that disappeared in the Q4 of 2017.

Blockchain would be a great help to WordPress in controlling the security of the system and limiting what hackers and crackers can do.

6)    Safe & Secure Storage

Blockchain technology features cloud storage, which is the most relevant and reliable today. WordPress users can now safely and securely store more data than ever before thanks to Blockchain.

WordPress is already considered a well-preferred and suitable content management system. Hence, adding blockchain to it would be considered a welcome development. So, WordPress would be able to reach its full potential and grow in a way that is safer, more secure, and smooth.

Wrap Up

In a nutshell, blockchain technology is being used to increase the number of businesses these days. It integrates its usability and security metrics into WordPress, ensuring that your company stays ahead of the competition and meets the high expectations of currently prevailing users. Keeping all the benefits that Blockchain can bring to your WordPress website in mind, the way we use the content management system will undoubtedly trigger new features and functions. So, the WordPress platform has added blockchain themes and plugins so that users can try out new features and many other things.

WP Easy Pay v6.2.0 – Release Notes Blog

WP EasyPay v6.2.0

We are excited to announce the launch of WP Easy Pay v6.2.0. The new update features compatibility and support for AfterPay, a digital payment platform offered to online shoppers that allows them to delay payments on purchases. Users can make weekly payments on items purchased until they are paid in full.

WP EasyPay v6.2.0

We have also added new functionality to WP Easy Pay that includes:

Let’s talk about why we added support for AfterPay in WP Easy Pay.

Customers can sign up for a free AfterPay account, shop at select online retailers, and then use AfterPay to make purchases. AfterPay is an easy, convenient payment method for online shoppers.

If you choose to add AfterPay as your payment method at checkout, you can accept Square payments and also sell your products to customers on a budget. The shop now, pay later option allows your customers to pay for their item over 6 weeks without paying any interest.

Square Subscription API

Subscriptions enable sellers to generate a reliable cash flow and recurring revenue to grow their businesses. Sellers can easily create subscription plans and automatically charge customers on a recurring basis.

Benefits of integrating the Subscriptions API in your application include:

  • Simplified billing – Subscription billing can be hard, but Square has simplified the experience. You do not need to worry about when to charge a customer, who has paid, and who has not paid for their subscriptions. Square follows up with your customers based on the subscription plan by sending an invoice to the customer’s email address or automatically charging the customer for the subscription.
  • Seamless customer, card, and invoice management – You are often concerned about creating and managing customers, customer cards, and invoices when offering subscription services. The subscriptions API integrates with the rest of the Square platform, including APIs such as Customers and Invoices, which solve these problems.
  • Invoices are available in the Square Seller Dashboard – A seller can review the invoices generated by subscriptions in the Square Seller Dashboard.

Square Web Payments SDK

The Square Web Payments SDK supports various payment methods for a given payment scenario with a seller. The Square Web Payments SDK is a JavaScript browser-client SDK that provides a secure payment-card entry method, along with other secure payment methods. The SDK is the client part of the client/server Square payment solution.

The following payment methods are available to your application to accept payment with the Web Payments SDK:

Please read our technical documentation or visit our support channels for more information. 

Thank you for using WP Easy Pay.

The Concept Of Digital Banking For Global Online Businesses

Digital Banking

Customers worldwide are reshaping their banking habits because of their mobile devices. They spend a lot more time online, researching, and making purchases via digital channels. They’re doing banking without going to a bank, and it’s working.

Digital Banking

Growing demand for digital channels rewards banks that can achieve clients’ expectations. Banks require a broad spectrum of omni-channel digital banking solutions to acquire and serve all of their clients, not only those who are accustomed to digital banking but also those who would have previously preferred to utilize a branch.

Based on recent reports and case studies, nearly 50% of banks have an omnichannel strategy.

What Is Digital Banking, And How Does It Work?

Digital banking offers financial services outside of typical bank branches, sometimes through agents and the transmission of transaction data through information and communication technology. Card-reading POS terminals and cell phones are classic examples.

A Journey Towards Digital Banking

First Digital Bank In 1984

First-generation direct banks offered phone banking so customers could avoid branches and ATMs. Girobank in the UK introduced this initiative in 1984, which grew in the 1980s and 1990s.

The 2000s Era Bring Mobile Banking

According to the Economist, CASH, one of humanity’s most valuable and long-lasting innovations, will be replaced in 15 years by a stream of ones and zeros. Mobile banking will replace metal and paper, the article says.

The Economist

2007-02 Economist

Dual-Factor Authentication in 2003

In the 2003s, Dual-Factor authentication was used by a key fob that generated a new code every 60 seconds. Banks worked with RSA SecurID hardware, which dominated the two-factor authentication in the banking industry.

Refining Digital Banking Amidst COVID-19

Recent technological advancements in digital banking and online businesses have led to the emergence of the concept of “Branchless or Contactless” banking. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has drastically revolutionized digital businesses, multinational corporate ventures, industries, and agencies unanimously. The typical unfolding situation has forced everyone to learn and adapt how to respond to the ongoing crisis. However, the banking sector’s disruption has heavily impacted how consumers do their banking and financial transactions.

Banks have largely invested in digitizing their business operations and adapted the overall infrastructure to respond to COVID-19-led transformations as individuals set up the “new normal” trend. It also seems that digital banking is well on its way to catching up with the rate of adaptability.

This trend will create a massive demand for digital banking operations and services. You can start offering digital banking solutions for your digital business by building a digital banking solution. Hence, this blog sheds light on how digitalization patterns in digital banking will be used as a growth catalyst in the online banking industry.

Let’s start talking about how to bring a lot of passion and ideas to the digital banking environment.

Revolutionizing Digital Banking Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

In this digital era, it has been observed that staying productive and maintaining continuity has become the top-most priority for multiple banks. After the COVID-19 pandemic, this priority has become a huge need for banks, as the need to avoid direct touch is changing quickly and in a way that makes it hard to keep up.

This is why banks have taken a paramount approach to automate their operations. However, automation is not the only aspect that banks are tempted to consider, and there are various reasons why conventional banks should consider digital banking systems.

Shifting Towards “Branchless” Trends

Several financial institutions and banks are transforming their digital landscape because of the post-COVID ’19 pandemic to have the edge over the seamless competition. Therefore, the banking industry involves multiple digital services using mobile banking, open banking, and WhatsApp or Telegram banking.

Digital Banking

When we talk about the potential of the segments mentioned above, we can say that all these segments have massive potential. According to recent reports, it has been estimated that over 89% of participants have acknowledged that they are active users of mobile banking.

It has also been reported that open banking users will reach approximately 133.3 million by 2024.

Apart from such circumstances, WhatsApp has also affirmed its intention to take a step into the banking sector.

Based on recent news, WhatsApp has approximately 2 billion monthly active users across the globe.

Leveraging Customer Relationships Via Digital Tools

Nowadays, consumers leave, and selecting a new bank is an emerging trend based on the post-pandemic. It also triggers the need for the banks to get further long-term resources and build relationships with their potential customers. An industry developed with a human connection at multiple branches, banks, and credit card companies tends to face the challenge of keeping customers engaged in an era of digital banking and social distancing.

Apart from customer retention, the customers in this changing environment provide multiple tools, resources, and services as an integral part of the customer and usability experience.

Integrating Online Payment Gateways

The use of integrated online payment gateways is increasing rapidly to make things safe and secure for the cashiers. Consumers transitioning towards branchless payment systems can also leverage consumer data transactions. For example, customers make purchases via the Square Payment Gateway for the WordPress plugin via a credit card or mobile wallet.

The merchant instantly receives the customer’s email address from the last time they paid with the card on a Square POS, allowing you to send an email receipt or sign up for the loyalty program. Shifting towards branchless POS would also save a sufficient amount of cash that would make you deal with the measurement and transportation costs.

For instance, WP EasyPay is an integrated WordPress plugin that enables you to add the Square Payment Gateway to your WordPress website within a few minutes. It simply generates dynamic buttons via shortcodes that will allow payment forms on your WordPress-enabled site using your Square account.

Start Reciving Payment Today

This plugin works well for accepting multiple square payments, subscription-based recurring payments, and donations. It also assists users in managing square transaction notes, operating reports, and generating email notifications making branchless transactions using the Square Payment Plugin, as the industry-oriented professional highly recommends for cashless payments.


The gradual growth of digital banking systems has changed the way people think about branchless or cashless payment systems in the global marketplace. Therefore, the above discussion shows that Square Payment Gateway focuses on digital banking or cashless payments. Consumers are moving toward digital payment methods that don’t involve cash because they are more reliable and faster.

3 Reasons Why Freelancers Need To Add WP Easy Pay To Their Website

3 Reasons Why Freelancers Need To Add WP Easypay To Their Website Thumbnil

Arranging safe payment options for your freelancing tasks is one of the most important aspects of running an online business.

3 Reasons Why Freelancers Need To Add WP Easypay To Their Website

Usually, merchant account providers and payment gateways have functioned distinctly. Nevertheless, many processors have begun to provide integrated solutions related to business processing services in recent years.

WP Easy Pay is one of the leading Square payment solutions that emerged with technology that authorizes payments between the customer’s and the merchant’s bank account.

If you are a freelancer, the odds are part of your orders funnel, and you have to rely on a powerful payment processor to accept payments through online or third-party services.

How Can Payment Processors Benefit Your Freelance Business?

A payment processor can help your freelance business grow worldwide within a few years. Although most freelancers are aware of the booming outsourcing market in the U.S., the situation in Europe is also increasing quickly, where the mainstream general public uses computing devices every day for their daily activities.

How Can Payment Processors Benefit Your Freelance Business-

As a freelancer, you can immediately process orders from clients in different countries that use different currencies using a payment processor. For foreign clients, placing an order on different outsourcing websites is different from placing an order to any domestic employee. Today’s payment processes are designed to work with various frameworks, empowering you to link your website to the payment gateway of your choice and start accepting global orders from clients around the world.

There are many benefits of payment processors, but the single agenda is to increase customer’s and businesses’ loyalty with a wider range of payment options.

The payment plugin integration does not entail too much trouble and can easily configure freelancers who already have websites or apps.

It only requires substandard maintenance with a cost-effective budget.

Due to the acceptance of payment processors, most people are familiar with and used to its concepts. This makes freelancer’s business easier because it has fewer technical requirements. The payment processors facilitate quick registration through a customizable payment form. Therefore, freelancers can customize the payment page as needed. Allowing digital platforms to accept online payments can ultimately improve the overall rating and trust on your profile.

The following are the benefits of using WP Easy Pay:

  • Improve Client Experience: a fast and smooth payment experience is an obligation in freelancing. WP Easy Pay enables wide features and makes online orders as easy as possible.
  • Increase Sales: According to a study, if the payment/checkout process is cumbersome or complicated, more than 50% of clients will cancel an order. However, easy payment methods will undoubtedly increase 40% of all online orders, ultimately raising sales.
  • Security: WP Easy Pay regularly complies with security standards such as PCI DSS to ensure secure transactions.

1. Improve Customer Experience Using WP Easy Pay

For freelancers, the payment process on online order sites must provide the safest payment experience. As far as the client is concerned, they need security about financial safety, like entering their information into the system. It must be encrypted and processed by the official party. Once the transaction is successful, the details will no longer exist in the system, so hackers do not have a single entry point to steal your data.

Improve Customer Experience Using WP EasyPay

The client experience also represents customer satisfaction when the payment processor accepts orders instantly. When a client posts an order online and pays through a credit card, the order can be processed virtually through a freelancer profile. Once the transaction is handled and the client receives the approval email, it directly impacts your profile score when you complete the task within a few days.

Save Card Details to Make Orders Quicker

Regular clients will find it annoying to provide payment information against every order they place to you. By using WP Easy Pay, you can safely store your card details in your account without any risk. All your clients need to do is provide reference details and approve their identity to complete the project. If this saves a couple of minutes for each payment, it ultimately saves a lot of time. You also saved your client’s valued time, so they earned good profit.

When using the WP Easy Pay payment platform, the card details are permanently available irrespective of the payment method and verification purpose; it is essential to ensure your identity and confirmation to complete the transaction.

2. Increase Sales

For a long time, the mainstream Square’s payment processing revenue has come from freelancers who use Square’s gateway to manage their transactions. Now, Square is taking the initiative to make it handier for freelancers who use non-square gateways to turn into Square payment customers. WP Easy Pay uses Square as an API to process payment under the legitimacy of Square.

Increase Sales

WP Easy Pay also enables easy record keeping, which is essential for freelancing operations and caters to the global market. Each transaction generates a signed digital acceptance for the client and the freelancer, allowing you to digitally archive all daily, weekly, and monthly sales. You can track your project financing quarterly and yearly to recognize your best services and mark the best projects of the year to highlight P.R. activities.

3. Provide Security and Peace of Mind to Clients

Although 70% of the corporations that store and process credit card information have not yet complied with the secure PCI standard, WP Easy Pay fully meets the requirements to ensure transaction security, and clients trust the freelancer’s goodwill.

Provide Security and Peace of Mind to Clients

With WP Easy Pay, clients feel safe and secure during all processes and take advantage of all the types and choices provided by freelancers and WP Easy Pay. For the public. As more and more freelancers do business online, the outsourcing market continues to expand. When you consider the rise in client trust in freelancers, the impact of WP Easy Pay cannot be underestimated.

What WP Easy Pay Offers You?

WP Easy Pay provides a secure, easy-to-use, and hassle-free platform for real-time online payment collection. It complies with SQUARE V2 API standards and provides scam and refund management. WP Easy Pay offers square transaction notes, email notifications, and reporting features so freelancers can use a robust back-end system to view and manage payments.

  • Safe and real-time payment processing.
  • Report generation, refund, and reconciliation processing.
  • Modify the payment process requirements of each entity.
  • Protect freelancers from scams or fraud attempts.
  • Strong customer authentication (SCA) enabled.

Easy Ways You Can Turn Freelance Into Success

Turn Freelance Into Success

You don’t always need a story or piece of advice to start a freelance business and a learning experience for others. A big NO!

If you are passionate about something that provokes you to stand up, go out, find ways, and start doing it, then you must be on the right track that leads to your life success.

Turn Freelance Into Success

What else do you need? We have seen people with a bulk of resources, ideas, environments, and of course, a maid that makes them coffee, but they don’t have will; they don’t have an addiction to start implementing their plans into reality. If you are one of them, think twice about your life.

People are scared of taking risks, but if there is no risk, there is no success. Success comes after failure and experiences. We don’t depreciate people who are happy with their 9-5 easy life schedule and no will to earn with passion, but we appreciate people who initially take a baby step even with a small income.

You always need motivation, a living example, a mentor, and risk-taking qualities to achieve something far beyond your thinking. Freelancing is one of them!

Freelancer is a term that is synonymous with BOSS! You will be your own boss, could be CEO!

Turn your imagination into a reality that actually makes you happy, and trust me, it is as easy as 1,2,3 only if you are confident enough to walk to the final destination.

Leave your comfort zone and start taking risks

It seems difficult, but it is the initial step towards a freelance career. People think it is all about doing projects online, but it is more than that. Actually, a lot more than that.

Success wants hard work, even though it is online or onsite. You need to bite the dust to find a pearl. As mentioned above in the second paragraph, go out, find ways; freelancing is more like it.

The freelance career could be online businesses such as writing, development, selling courses, running a blog, online consultancy, and many more. When it comes to something that you can run from your house or any physical location includes a cafe, boutique, bookshop, art-selling, DIYs, and many more.

Jaw-Dropping Facts About Freelance Business

As we all know, freelancers are independent workers because they have their own and self-made working hours at any time of the day. Also, they do not need to wear formal clothing for work. Usually, they wear pajamas all day and are connected to the entire world, delivering projects worldwide.

Funny, isn’t it? But now, we will share some of the jaw-dropping and head-blasting facts about the freelance businesses and their level of success that will compel you to start doing it.

  • Freelancers are more skillful than employed people because they have the energy to learn more; the rate touches 50% of skilled freelancers.
  • The most demanding freelancing jobs include web designing, SEO specialists, content writing, and virtual assistants.
  • Around 64% of freelancers can easily find their desired jobs online and take their business physically with earnings.
  • The hourly rates of a skilled freelancer reached $28.
  • The referral system in freelance careers is normal, and 33% of freelancers get jobs through referrals.

Why Would You Choose a Freelance Career?

There is no limit to starting a freelance business. However, let us jot down some crucial reasons for opting for this career journey. You will definitely find them interesting. Happy exploring!

  • No slavery, be your own boss.
  • Relaxing working hours.
  • Control things yourself.
  • Work from anywhere; it could be your bathing tub (not necessarily).
  • Paid overtime working.
  • Enjoy your weekdays as well.
  • No job-security issues.
  • Passionate working and learning simultaneously.
  • No office fatigues.
  • Select your favorite projects to work on.
  • Work on multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Interaction with different cultures.
  • Confident working.

And a lot more.

Successful Freelancers’ Stories

When we see people growing due to their continuous efforts and faith in it, we inspire them. Here, we will share some success stories that will help you get more into this profession.

1. Jennifer Lester – A journey from unsuccessful relationship to financial stability

Jennifer Lester, aka Jenn, had two teenage boys and a baby when she left her husband due to an unsuccessful relationship. She was looking for a work opportunity to nourish her children in a good way. At that time, she got to know about Upwork (freelancing platform), and she created her profile on this freelancing portal and started working as a writer.

Jennifer Lester

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Due to her faith in her writing skills, she continuously worked hard almost for a year, and after that, she doubled her income up to a $125 hourly rate. She boosted her skills and learned email writing as well. Now, Jenn is proudly nourishing her children and preparing her young boy to create an account on such a freelancing portal to start earning online.

2. Brandon Cowan – Turned Ideas into Reality

If you want to learn how to turn your ideas into reality, read about Brandon Cowan, a daydreamer who dreamt about a Crazy Dog application, and he did that.

Brandon Cowan

                                                                              Image Source

In 2010, he planned to develop a Crazy Dog application, and he worked hard day and night. In 2012, he succeeded and built the Crazy Dog application. He is currently helping different government agencies, individuals, and other businesses make their dreams come true.

He built his team of developers and designers who helped him create more than thirty-five applications, including Charles Sturt University, Taronga Zoo, PetRescue, and many others. He is yielding applications for android and iOS. Besides, he also designs websites, graphical work, and some sort of explainer videos too.

The interesting thing about this crazy freelancer is that he has made four top hundred applications for his clients.

3. Paul Clarke – Professional Photographer

Read about an editor and retoucher who turned into a professional photographer due to his sharp photography skills and the eyes to see the beauty in things.

Paul Clarke

Since 1991, he has been working as an image editor, but he had the ambition to become a professional photographer, and he did so. His piece of art is not limited to the magazines but is shared online as well.

Paul works for more than three hundred events per year, and the way he works faster makes him more successful and motivated to his work. Currently, he owns a team of photographers and image editors who work under his supervision.

What Demotivates You To Do Freelance Work

After thinking about all the aspects of doing freelance business and taking it to the success level, you might get annoyed about the payment process.

You may have clients from all over the world, and after working for them, you expect to receive payments without any complication, but you face hurdles in such procedures.

To get rid of such difficulties, we have a solution for you to accept payment worldwide securely and swiftly. Do you want to know what it is? Keep on reading.

WP EASYPAY – Square Payment Solution

It is the number one and preferred square payment solution for everyone. It works with WordPress websites and accepts payments from anywhere globally with a 99.9% Uptime value.

If you want something easy, it should be your choice. Yes, it is very simple to install and configure and takes very little time to set up your WordPress website.

It is super fast and secure. It will never put you in a risky situation. All you need to make a connection of the WPEasyPay Square payment solution with your WordPress website.

In addition to that, it lets you build your statistical report of all your online transactions to keep the records for backup purposes. Do you know it is free to use?

However, if you want to unlock its remarkable features, you will be charged a reasonable amount if we see its offerings. It requires four simple steps; install & activate, connect with Square, create payment forms, and start receiving funds.

Are you thinking about using Square payment gateway when you already have PayPal? Let me tell you the reasons for using the Square platform.

Square PayPal
Purpose Square has

been specifically designed for the businesses

PayPal has been specifically designed for online transactions
Gadgets It has digital devices for making transactions and other purposes No digital devices are available for PayPal
Swiped Transaction Fee 2.6% + 10 cents 2.7%
Online Transaction Fee 2.9% + 30 cents 2.9% + 30 cents
Chargeback Fee $0 $20

Square Digital Gadgets

As we mentioned in the comparison table that Square offers digital gadgets, let’s explore the purposes of each of them.

  1. Reader for Magstripe – it enables you to read your credit card payments through your smartphones.
  2. Reader for Contactless & Chip – enables you to read your chip cards to perform transactions.
  3. Stand for Contactless & Chip – fix your iPad to this digital stand and start making transactions.
  4. Terminal – insert your Square Visa Card into the terminal machine and pay for anything.
  5. Register – it is a one-window solution to manage your POS register for any kind of business.
  6. Accessories – a wide variety of accessories from printer paper to printer machines are available.
  7. Hardware Kits – a complete set of Square systems are available for all types of iPads.

Some best freelance businesses that you can start without investment

To make your freelance work successful, you should never stop learning. Yes, continuous efforts can turn your freelance into success. Find out the freelance business that you can start without investing a single penny.

1. Content & CopyWriting

You might have heard the famous line “Content is the King.” Yes, that’s true; the content could be anything such as blogs, articles, images, documents, videos, music, or anything else. But, without words, anything is incomplete.

Have you ever seen a website or blog without any description or storytelling? NO!

It would be a great idea to offer freelance writing services such as email writing, blogs, articles, website copywriting, product descriptions, e-book writing, etc. For that, you must have a sense of the writing.

In addition to that, if you possess a storytelling skill set, that would be an asset to boost your writing business. Today, most business owners prefer storytelling writing energy that makes it easy to deliver their messages to their audience.

2. Website Designing & Development

Whether you open a small coffee shop, you must have your website to build business awareness. Are we right? Of course. No matter what business you are currently doing, the online presence helps you better than other physical marketing efforts.

The website designing and development freelance business are easy-going only if you have technical expertise; otherwise, you will face challenges in this competitive environment. It is a high-demand online job, and you can easily find work for you if you have strong skills over demandable programming languages for website development.

3. Caricatures Designer

Caricature designing is one of the high-demand and trending freelance businesses these days. You can find a bulk of such jobs on each freelancing platform. People are more switching to the designing work and learning hands-on expertise to design caricatures.

You will have amazing job opportunities if you go with the caricature designing business. If you can see, people like to design their caricatures even on their wedding cards. All you need to have commanding skills over designing tools and a good graphics workstation.

4. Translator

Do you know foreign languages? No? That’s okay; you can still do translation jobs with the help of your mother language. Some people are looking for online translators who are capable of translating their documents into other languages.

Most people want to translate their immigration, scholarship, and other legal documents. This is only a freelance job when you do not need to learn skills if you have command over your default language.

5. Online Bookstore

Are you a bookworm? If your answer is yes, this could be the best freelancing job for you to earn money online. It will definitely help you in turning your freelance business into a success.

It will be fun; you can read more books and earn by selling them through your online store. It may need a little investment at the start and a little effort to market your online bookstore as well. Once you start earning money through it, you will not need to invest more into it.

Stop Thinking & Start Doing

Congratulations! You now have the best ways to turn your freelance into a successful business and earn money online. Nowadays, freelancing has become popular for earning without investing, and this is the time to leverage it.

Overall, this blog contains the general information everyone has to know about a freelance career, but the most important part is when you start freelance jobs and get paid. There, you may have complications; this is why we have particularly mentioned the WPEasyPay solution for everyone.

Simply integrate this into your WordPress websites and start getting paid without any hectic procedures. Again, this is the right time to set up your payment method without paying for anything because WPEasyPay basic version is FREE to use.

Moreover, this blog will give you more clarity about your freelance business, and if you are already into it, you can make your freelance business more successful by following this blog.

How to integrate Square Payment to your WordPress website via WP EasyPay?

integrate Square Payment with Easypay

The timely growing progress of Square Payment Solutions has left a remarkable impact on the payment era and continues to provide the fastest and safest payment services to everyone around the world.

Square Payment Wpeasypay

The website owners mostly face trouble finding a suitable payment platform to integrate into their websites to secure transactions.

To solve this problem, Square has become a trendsetter approach to solve this problem and introduced various digital devices such as Terminal, Magstripe, Register, Stand, Contactless, and Chip, making the process easy and automatic.

Since its inception, people have been adopting this payment method, and its wide range of services benefit the business owners to get everything from a one-stop shop.

Moving further, the integration is quite simple and easy to configure. This blog will discuss how to integrate the square payment solution plugin with WP EasyPay on your WordPress website.

What is WP EasyPay?

WPEasyPay is a fast and reliable WordPress plugin designed to simplify the way your website accepts Square payments via credit cards.

What is WP EasyPay

WP EasyPay accepts the donation, subscriptions, recurring donations, and simple payments worldwide. It is a solution provider for payment gateways and makes them more functional by building a connection with them.


  • Build interactive forms
  • Get a one-window form where you get all options
  • Build subscription and transaction reports
  • Manage your subscription by pausing and resuming them from the backend whenever you want
  • Create multi-step forms where you can categorize the sections
  • Create custom tags for email and forms
  • Add upload button with drag and drop field
  • Table layout for the products
  • Export your transaction reports and add fields to them as per your requirements
  • Embed shortcode for adding the functionality

Now, let’s hop into the details on how to make Square integration with WP EasyPay.

WP Easy Pay – With Square Settings

WP EasyPay comes with a FREE and PAID version based on their availability of features and services.

For setting up the plugin, we will be using the PREMIUM version for a better understanding. Follow the steps below:

Sign in to your WordPress dashboard using your credentials.

Wp Square Setting

Once you are in the dashboard, go to Plugins and click on Add New button and search for the WP Easy Pay – With Square in the search bar placed at the top right corner.

Add New Square Plugin

Click on the Install Now button. A screen will appear only for the very first time when you install the plugin.

Install EasyPay Square

All you need to click on the Allow & Continue→ button to proceed further.

After that, go to your mailbox and check if you have received an email from WP Easy Pay. Click on the Activate button for further configuration.

Allow And Continue Wpeasypay Square

Go to your Plugins, find WP Easy Pay (Premium), and click on the Activate button. It will redirect you to the page as shown in the screenshot below:

EasyPay Premium

Enter your email address and turn the toggle right for Live Payment if your payment process is Live.

Before that, you will need to go to and sign in to your square account using your credentials. Once signed in successfully, click on the [Connect Square] button to move further.

When you click to connect, it will ask you for either Live Payment or Test Payment. You can select as per your requirements. In this tutorial, we will be working on a Test Payment.

Connect Square

Here, you need to select your location and then click on the Save Settings button.

After that, navigate to WP EASY PAY → Create Payment Form → Form Settings.

Create Payment Form

You will see the form details in this section; fill each according to your form requirements. For the readers’ understanding, we are going to define each field as bulleted below:

  • Form Title – Enter the title of your form; here, I am creating Contact Form.
  • Form Description – Enter the information about your form or the message you want to deliver to your users.
  • Select Payment Type: Select your payment type from the drop-down menu.
  • Amount Type: Select the payment layout from the drop-down menu that you want to display.
  • Create your payment packages; here, I have made only two.
  • Check mark on the Enable save card for future use to save the user’s card for the next transaction.
  • Check mark on the Show products without images if you want to display the products even without the images.
  • For the redirection process, select Yes from the drop-down menu, select time for the redirection process, insert the label on your redirection button, and insert the redirection URL.
  • Payment Success Message – Type the payment success message you want to deliver to your users.
  • Postal Placeholder – Insert the details of the postal placeholder.
  • Check mark on the Enable terms and conditions on my form and provide a link label and link to page details if you want your users to be agreed to your Terms and Conditions.

Once you enter your details, click on the Publish button to save changes. Next, go to the Extra fields section for further customization.

Publish Extra

In this section, you can build your form using the following options:

  • Checkbox Group
  • Date Field
  • File Upload
  • Number
  • Radio Group
  • Select
  • Text Field
  • Telephone
  • URL
  • Text Area

And then click on the Publish button to make changes. Next, go to the next section, i.e., Notifications.

Publish Notification

Here, you have two options:

  1. Admin Email Template – In this option, you can customize the Admin’s email template.
  2. User Email Template – In this option, you can customize the users’ email templates.

Last but not least,

Customize your transaction notes using tags and click on the Update button to save changes.

Now, add a new page and copy the shortcode of your form and paste it into the new page to display your form, as shown in the screenshot below:

Add Title WPeasypay

Enter your Page Title and select your form from the drop-down menu. Next, click on the Update button to publish your form.

Contact Us Easypay

Your form will be displayed. Insert your details and click on the Pay button to proceed with your transaction.


WP Easy Pay offers three pricing plans; Starter, Professional, and Business. For more information, you can hop to the pricing page.

Final Words

To summarize this topic, we would like to inform you that the Square Payment solution plugin with WP Easy Pay is the perfect combination for making payments on your WordPress websites. Square is the safest and easiest payment gateway that WP Easy Pay to start making payments.

For a clear picture, you can imagine Square is a gate, and WP Easy Pay is a key to open it.

There is a FREE version available, but you need to purchase a premium package from their pricing plans to add more utilizing features.

It is a one-window payment method where you get everything. For setting up your payment method, you can contact; their experts will make a perfect integration of Square to your WordPress websites.

WP EasyPay v4.5 release – New features And Bug Fixes

new features wp easypay.

new features of wp easypay

We are excited to announce the launch of the WP Easy Pay Version 4.5 and the introduction of six new features to the plugin’s core functionality.

Here is the list of the latest features introduced to the plugin:

  • Additional charges option
  • Improved subscription handling
  • Translation support
  • Create custom discount coupons
  • New tabs shortcode
  • Resend payment emails

wp easypay

Distribute coupons to increase awareness of your business, both locally and elsewhere. We have introduced a new tab on the WP Easy Pay dashboard where you can generate coupons and add any description if required.

You have the option to offer

  • To create a coupon, navigate to WpEasypay→ Coupon→ Click  “Add Coupon.”
  • Users will get coupons code that can be redeemed at the time of purchase to avail discount offers.

wp easypay

This feature enables the plugin to support extra fees functionality; the user can be charged with an additional amount as a processing fee or any other surcharge apart from the actual amount.

  • To use the Additional charges functionality in the payment form, navigate to Wp Easypay→ Select Form→ Additional Charges Tab.
  • Set the additional charges based on a percentage or static price.
  • Users can add multiple additional charges for multiple purposes, such as processing fees or VAT.
  • Use the + sign to add the new charges entry and use the sign to remove the new charges entry.
  • Also, users can enable or disable the charges without removing them. Click on the checkbox to enable and unmark to disable.

wp easypay

The new subscription dashboard adds so much to the user experience of the plugin.The dashboard will display detailed information of any transaction (transaction id, date, status, amount total, payment type);

Users can also view and edit the subscription ID, subscription interval, remaining cycles, total cycles, next payment, subscription status, subscription type, actions, and date;

The subscription dashboard can also be added to the front-end using a simple shortcode

Please logged in to see subscription details.


Please read the technical documentation to understand the features in detail and how they can be implemented.

WP EasyPay Is Launching Version 4.0 With “Nine” New Premium Features

WP EasyPay is is launching new features in version 4.0

new premium features

Hello WP EasyPay users,

We’re happy to announce the release of WP EasyPay Version 4.0. To give our users what they want, we always keep an eye on feedback comments, support emails, and forums. Like always, our team of dedicated experts has worked hard on creating features that will give you optimum performance and an unparalleled user experience.

If you haven’t downloaded WP EasyPay, you can visit WP EasyPay on WordPress.

You can visit WP EasyPay pricing plans here.

What’s New in Version 4.0?

Add “Upload” Fields Using Drag-&-Drop Functionality

You can now easily add an ‘UPLOAD FIELD‘ to your payment form using the drag & drop functionality. Adding this option will give your users the option to upload any important document to your payment form.

Date and Time Field With Integrated Calendar Feature

Adding a ‘Date and time’ field to your payment form will allow your users to select a date and time before submitting their form. Users can also click on the ‘calendar button’ to load the calendar and select any date, month, or year.


Tabular Products Feature

Add multiple tabs on your payment form featuring products that you would like to sell online. Each tab comes with a variety of options like Product Picture, Product Price, Set Label, and Set Quantity.

Item Quantity-to-Price Adjustment

Users can select the quantity of the product given in any payment type, and the plugin will automatically update the price point according to the set quantity.


Sandbox OAuth Support

WP EasyPay is now integrated with the Square ‘Sandbox OAuth’ feature which enables you to connect to the Square sandbox account without the need to copy credentials from the developer app into the plugin.

Transaction ID Tag Added in Email Notifications Feature

You can now add the ‘Transaction ID’ tag to emails sent by the admin.  You can add this tag by navigating to the email notification settings.

Export Transaction Reports

You can now export and download transaction reports with an additional ability to select fields as per your requirement.

This means that you can either export reports with complete information or select the fields that you require. These fields include First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Transaction type, Transaction ID, Refund ID, Charge Amount, Transaction Status, and Form ID.

Add Shortcode Using Gutenberg Block 

WP EasyPay now supports Gutenberg, making it easy for you to add your payment form’s shortcode on any page or post. WP EasyPay will automatically fetch and synchronize the available payment forms once the shortcode has been pasted in the Gutenberg block.


Submit an Idea Tab (Productstash)

WP EasyPay’s integration with ‘ProductStash’ gives you the ability to collect reviews, comments, and ideas from your valued customers.

Read the technical documentation on how to configure the settings for the above-mentioned features.

How Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Helps To Reduce the Chance of Fraudulent Transactions

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) helps reduce the chance of fraudulent transactions

In 2018, Fraud losses reached $27.85 billion worldwide. The number is projected to rise to $35.67 billion in the next five years and $40.63 billion in 10 years according to The Nilson Report, the leading global card and mobile payments trade publication.

E-Commerce industry is more vulnerable to payment frauds

One of the most common fraudulent activities is e-commerce payment fraud, which is basically any kind of illegal online transaction that is being performed by a cybercriminal.

E-commerce platforms depend on online payment systems in order to bill clients and complete payment for products and services. Furthermore, most businesses have taken it upon themselves to facilitate online transactions through their websites as a way to increase their revenues.

It’s important for internet users to be aware that not everything on e-commerce platforms can be trusted. This should also prompt e-commerce businesses to go the extra mile to protect their platforms and ensure customers aren’t exposed to fraud.

How Customer Authentication can help prevent payment frauds

Authentication is the process that your bank or payment services provider uses to establish that it is really you.

It aims to make sure that the person requesting access to your account, or trying to make a payment, is either you or someone to whom you have given consent.

What is ‘Strong Customer Authentication’ (SCA)?

The new rules, introduced in 2019, are intended to further enhance the security of payments and limit fraud. They are known as Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

The European Banking Authority announced that the new SCA requirements should be fully enforced by 31 December 2020.

As of 25 June 2020, the majority of European regulators have agreed to this new timeline, with one exception:

UK – The UK regulator previously announced an 18-month delay—requiring additional authentication for online payments beginning March 2021. Due to the COVID crisis, the UK regulator has extended the delay by an additional 6 months, bringing the revised enforcement date to 14 September 2021.

When should you use ‘Strong Customer Authentication’ (SCA)?

Strong Customer Authentication applies to “customer-initiated” online payments within Europe. As a result, most card payments and all bank transfers require SCA. Recurring direct debits on the other hand are considered “merchant-initiated” and don’t require strong authentication. With the exception of contactless payments, in-person card payments are also not impacted by the new regulation.

For online card payments, these requirements apply to transactions where both the business and the cardholder’s bank are located in the European Economic Area (EEA).

European banks will be required to follow SCA under PSD2.

What is PSD2 and why must banks comply?

The revised Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) aims to better align payment regulation with the current state of the market and technology.

It introduces security requirements for the initiation and processing of electronic payments, as well as for the protection of consumers’ financial data.

It also recognizes and regulates Third-Party Providers (TPPs) that are allowed to access or aggregate accounts and initiate payment services.

This move will shake up the payments market, particularly in the eCommerce space, by encouraging greater competition, transparency, and innovation in payment services.

In short, PSD2 aims at facilitating consumer access to their banking data and driving innovation by encouraging banks to exchange customer data securely with third parties.

How SCA will change online payment flow?

To meet the new SCA requirements, a form of two-factor authentication is required for many online card payments in Europe. Without authentication, many payments may be declined by your customers’ banks.

With SCA, there is an additional and mandatory step before authorization and capture: authentication. This step helps protect customers by preventing fraud. To authenticate a payment, a customer responds to a prompt from their bank and provides additional information. This may be something they know, like a password, something they use, like their phone, or something that’s part of who they are, like their fingerprint.


WP EasyPay is a powerful Square payment solution that gives business owners the ability to accept payments anywhere in the world. You can create reports, customized forms for recurring donations, subscription payments, and much more.

WP EasyPay introduced ‘Strong Customer Authentication’ (SCA) in version 3.1.3 for the purpose of reducing fraud and making your online payments more secure.

We have a detailed and descriptive technical documentation on how to configure Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) settings for your forms. You can read the technical documentation here.