WP EasyPay Free v4.1 Release Notes - WP EasyPay Skip to content

WP EasyPay Free v4.1 Release Notes

We are excited to announce the release of WP EasyPay v4.1, which offers free payment methods to all our users. This new update comes with many exciting features that make WP EasyPay even more accessible and user-friendly.

WP EasyPay Free v4.1 Release Notes

One of the most significant updates in v4.1 is the availability of payment methods including ACH Payments, Afterpay, and Cash App without any additional charges. This means that you can now accept payments from your customers without worrying about transaction fees, making running your business more accessible and more affordable than ever.

ACH Payments

ACH Payments WPEasypay

Cash App

Cash App WPEasypay

Cash App Pay WPEasypay

After pay

After Pay WPEasypay

We know that security is a top priority for our users, so we’ve taken extra measures to ensure that all transactions are processed securely. WP EasyPay uses industry-standard encryption technology to protect customers’ data and ensure all transactions are processed safely.

Update to the latest version of WP EasyPay to take advantage of the new features and improvements. If you’re new to WP EasyPay, try it out and see how easy online payments are.

Please contact our customer support team with any questions or feedback.

Please visit the technical documentation or open a support ticket for more information.
