WP EASYPAY FOR SQUARE USERS | Square Payment Gateway Skip to content



Easy Way to Accept Square Payments

Are you looking for Square Payment Gateway for your wordpress site for free then try WP Easy Pay and start accepting online credit card payments.

WP Easy Pay works out perfect for accepting simple payment or donation use and fulfil your requirement of one time payments with our Free version, just enough to keep your business going.

This plugin can help to you to accept simple payment if you are running a business like Tution fee, Hostel fee or charging some sort of Entry fee online then you got the solution for FREE

Similarly, If you are managing charities and accepting payments in form of donations, In this case user can donate online by selecting certain amount.  

Here is a specimen of WP Easy Pay on your front end while using for Simple payment


Also when using WP Easy Pay for Donation that’s how it look on your frontend.

Now you have both option to use WP Easy Pay according to your requirement.

Before going forward make sure your site have HTTPS: It is not possible to accept payments on your site without any security so you MUST have valid SSL certificate as well. You must have square account to accept payments.

Let’s go through with installation and settings of this plugin:


Step 1: Open your wordpress site and search for “WP Easy Pay – Square for WordPress by wpexperts” then click on install and choose Activate as shown below


Step 2: On your left side click on WPEP Square settings, select the Mode (Live OR Test) and insert Application ID,Token and Location ID from your Square account then click on save changes.


Step 3: Setup for Simple Payments:

Short Code: Place this short code at the Page where you want to show WP Easy Pay

Notification Email: insert your email address for notification

Type: Simple Payment

Button Text: Enter the text you want to show on button

Amount: insert the amount to want to collect from user

Click on save changes as shown below


Step 4: Setup for Accepting Donations Payments:

Short Code: Place this short code at the Page where you want to show WP Easy Pay

Notification Email: insert your email address for notification

Type: Simple Payment

Button Text: Enter the text you want to show on button

Amount: insert the amount to want to collect from user

Organization Name: Write the name of your organization or the name of cause use for collecting donations.

User set donation amount: check on this option if you want user to insert amount otherwise accept fixed amount from user.

Click on save changes as shown below


For more Products & Square Solutions visit our website www.apiexperts.io and if you have any query about Square solutions contact us at support@wpexperts.io

